Transfer Essay Sample. A transfer essay is a type of papers that may be used by an author for transferring to another college or university. The document may be written in free form, but it is better if the author uses the specific structure. In order to write a professional paper, the work has to contain three or more paragraphs and some Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins Jan 31, · The following sample essay was written by a student named David. He wrote the transfer essay below for the Common Transfer Application in response to the prompt, "Please provide a statement that addresses your reasons for transferring and the objectives you hope to achieve" ( to words). David is attempting to transfer from Amherst College to the Occupation: College Admissions Expert Examples of Students’ Successful Transfer Essays EXAMPLE 1: PERSONAL STATEMENT Solemnly, I stood before the double doors of the place I had only ever visited in my dreams. Self-consciously, I smoothed my skirt and straightened my jacket that was too hot for the Tallahassee summer. The massive
Transfer Essay Sample
Lastly, transfer essay examples, we have no idea whether the application that this essay was a part of was successful or not, or even if this essay was actually written by a student applying to a school. If you want other examples, our book provides examples of actual successful transfer essays and stats for Stanford, UPenn, Columbia, Cornell, transfer essay examples, and other schools. The essay here includes reasons for transferring to a specific four-year school, Northern State. Many colleges and universities now use the Transfer essay examples Application for transfer applications, requiring transfer applicants to write a Common Application essay describing the reasons for transferring and to also write several school-specific supplement essays.
No, I am not homesick. I have transfer essay examples. The work is not overwhelming. Nor has it interfered with my involvement in extracurricular activities, transfer essay examples. My first semester has been a time of transition as it is for most college freshmen. Making decisions regarding course selection, transfer essay examples, seeking advice from advisors, and utilizing time efficiently have all been part of the process, accomplished at a distance from the familiar support structures and cues of both home and high school.
As a result, I have developed transfer essay examples greater sense of myself and my abilities, both academic and social. The experience has been satisfying. However, with all due introspection and now retrospection, I feel a change is necessary. This opening is fairly weak because it is very general. I learned very little about this applicant from this paragraph, which could be entirely omitted to reduce the number of unnecessary words. You would then have a hook. Other than including a short transition, avoid dragging this story into transfer essay examples next paragraph.
For school-specific essays, which often have a tight word limit, writing an anecdote might not be the best use of the limited space. Instead, consider writing one or two introductory sentences and then diving right into your specific reasons for wanting to transfer. The students and friends with whom I grew up were extraordinarily bright, competitive, and creative. In high school, discussions and opinions on almost any subject were spontaneous and interesting. At Central State, the small class size and the seminar formats have presented a great setting in which to learn. The highly motivated professors, transfer essay examples, who encourage participation, have been the highlight of my experience thus far.
However, the transfer essay examples of student interaction has not been gratifying. Conversations concerning classroom topics and related materials have been limited, transfer essay examples. I have not been sufficiently challenged or stimulated by my peers. This paragraph has an interesting topic sentence. Also, transfer essay examples, the applicant writes positively about her current school, citing, for example, its small class size and the seminar formats. Despite its positive aspects, this paragraph lacks concrete details. Adhering to the transfer essay examples limit, make sure to reserve space for specific details that will help the reader understand exactly why you want to transfer, transfer essay examples.
See more information on our blog post about writing the Common Application main transfer essay versus the school-specific supplemental essay. During my first semester, I have come to realize the influence a community has on my learning and growth. At Central State, the campus is active from around eleven in the morning until three in the afternoon, Monday through Friday. One Saturday in October, while walking to the dining hall, I realized that I transfer essay examples one of five people on campus. With the majority of undergraduates living in on-campus dorms, the campus of Northern State fosters a unique intimacy. The campus is lively throughout the day. Such activity creates a comfortable environment that promotes interaction and the formation of strong bonds between members of the community.
Having experienced a year of college and dorm life, I am more aware of what is best for me, transfer essay examples. As a transfer student, I would appreciate this style of living even more. The type of information in transfer essay examples paragraph is well-suited for a school-specific transfer essay. The writer has now moved from focusing on classes to discussing campus life. Based on conversations with current students, it is my understanding that members of the Northern State community make it a unique place to live and learn. Many renowned professors choose to teach at the undergraduate level. Having the chance to interact with an instructor such as Avery Marks, whose passion and mastery of botany are unrivaled, would be quite an experience.
Here, transfer essay examples, the applicant includes interesting, specific examples to show that she knows about the school and has compelling reasons to want to transfer there. Your interest in, say biology or botany, should also be apparent in other parts of your application. The last sentence regarding student guidance does not seem to be substantiated anywhere in the paragraph or essay. The strong bonds that are formed within a diverse group of people who make up these individual communities create an optimal atmosphere in which to grow, socially and intellectually. This paragraph, which emphasizes a unique aspect of Northern State, provides an example of information to include in a school-specific transfer essay.
All aspects of Northern State seem to enhance learning. This is the purpose of the undergraduate experience. The best part of this conclusion is its brevity. One strategy for writing a good conclusion is to tie it to the introduction, a strategy that could not be used in this essay due to its weak, general introduction. We talk about this tie-back strategy in our post about writing an introduction and conclusion to your transfer essay. Concluding words: Each transfer application is unique, and therefore, we cannot provide an exhaustive list of details and information that should be included.
Pingback: The College Transfer Application Essay: An Example for the University of Pennsylvania. Just look at the whole application overall and ask yourself if it would portray the story you want to tell the school. If it does, just follow the directions, if not, tweak and add in what you need to like school specific details in the common app essay till the application conveys the story you want to tell the school. Paragraph 1: No, I am not homesick. Paragraph 3: During my first semester, I have come to realize the influence a community has on my learning and growth. Paragraph 4: Based on conversations with current students, it is my understanding that members of the Northern State community make it a unique place to live and learn.
Concluding paragraph: All aspects of Northern State seem to enhance learning. Photo: xelcise. Pingback: The College Transfer Application Essay: An Example for the University of Pennsylvania Guest, transfer essay examples. Good luck!
Reading My UC Essays + My Transfer Stats: Accepted into UCLA, UC Berkeley, and more w/ a 3.43 GPA
, time: 21:13How to Write a College Transfer Essay (With Examples) - Scholarships

Argumentative Essays. The argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires the student to investigate a topic; collect, generate, and evaluate evidence; and establish a position on the topic in a concise blogger.com note: Some confusion may occur between the argumentative essay and the expository blogger.comg: transfer Mar 01, · If you want other examples, our book provides examples of actual successful transfer essays (and stats) for Stanford, UPenn, Columbia, Cornell, and other schools. The essay here includes reasons for transferring to a specific four-year school, Northern State Apr 16, · If this sample essay on "Paper Example on Transfer Element in Successful Policies" doesn’t help, our writers will! Trust an expert. Voluntary and Coercive Policy Transfer. During policy transfer, policymakers learn from the lessons of other countries to correct their current problem in the political system. Lesson drawing is a voluntary
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