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Art appreciation essays

Art appreciation essays

art appreciation essays

This art appreciation essay aims to give a brief insight into he mechanism of art perception by providing some information from psychologists and some examples. Abraham Maslow, a celebrated therapist of the humanistic viewpoint of brain research, displayed a model for the chain of command of human needs amid his scholastic profession Art appreciation also teaches us that art is meant to enable thought and conversation between its viewers; it enhances our interpretation which is the final element of an artwork. We study the meaning behind the piece of art which is the financial statement or book of accounts for us to interpret the process and interpret it to the viewers The following examination of the way that basic aesthetics extend across individual themes and styles involves examination of three works of art, each distinct in theme and type from the other. The three works are: “Autumn Aglow” by James Scoppertone, “Freestyle” by Anton Arkhipov, and “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” by Gib Singleton

Art Appreciation Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

Paper Types. You are free to use it as an art appreciation essays or a source for your own work. Works of visual art that are of different styles and even different mediums still maintain a commonality in basic elements and principles. The basic elements and principles of art are often referred to as aesthetics. The following examination of the way art appreciation essays basic aesthetics extend across individual themes and styles involves examination of three works of art, each distinct in theme and type from the other. The three paintings represent three separate styles, as well as three separate themes, art appreciation essays. That said, each of the works relies on the use fundamental elements of composition and on similar fundamentals of the theory and practice of the visual arts.

To begin to compare the three works in regard to both differences of style and theme and similarity of fundamentals, a definition of elements and principles is needed. The following examination will proceed with a survey of the artistic elements elements of each work. A survey of the principles of art that underlie the three works will follow. Five elements of art will be discussed and five principles of art will be discussed after which the three art appreciation essays will be compared with one another and the common elements and principles. These elements are present in all three of the works under discussion no matter how varied the three works may prove to be in technique, art appreciation essays, theme, or medium.

This work is a 48 x 36 painting created with oil on canvas and is currently on display at the Galerie Zuger in Dallas Texas. In this painting the elements of art are brought into common function under the general guidelines of Impressionism. However, the most important elements in the painting are value and texture. The interplay of light and color in the leaves and in the foreground road distinguish this work as Impressionistic. The shadings of color value combine with the texture of the brushstrokes and interplay of color to create the feeling of the outdoors. This work is a 65 x 45 oil on canvas currently on display at the Summit Galerie in Breckenridge, Colorado. In this painting, the use of line is more important in some ways than the use of value or texture.

Color in the painting is expressive rather than realistic, but the primary agent of emotion and feeling in the work is the use of line. The two skiers are so awkwardly close and intertwined that the contrast between the idea of balance and chaos is expressed in a powerful way. The shapes that art appreciation essays present in and around the figures are expressive in an abstract, geometrical way, just as the overall form of the painting is to pit the idea of geometrical perfection against human clumsiness. This work depicts a scene from the Book of Revelations. As such, it is the art appreciation essays realistic work even though it depicts a mythological theme.

The use of line in this work is used to create a sense of motion and speed, while color is muted to earth tones of muted bronze and orange. The texture of the pace is very important because it is three-dimensional, heavy, and solid as befits a prophesy of doom, art appreciation essays. The value of the colors is significant because they are lowered to the level of gloom. The shape and form of the work expresses the interconnectedness between the four symbols of destruction and the earth they are sent to destroy. The theme of this work is, obviously, much darker than the two paintings under discussion, but its tone and expression rests on the same shared set of expressive elements. Just as each of art appreciation essays three works shares basic elements of expression, they also share a set of principles.

These principles help to define each of the three works despite their obvious differences in medium, technique, and theme. In other words, just as the elements of expression were shown to be commonly held in each of the works, the basic principles are art appreciation essays present. The proportions of the painting are almost natural, but smoothed over to seem more dream-like. The sense of motion in the image is conveyed through the Impressionistic brushstrokes that make all that is show seem in motion with scattered leaves in the air and on the lane.

These elements all coalesce in an essential unity of all the aspects of the painting, but especially that which unites the various principles to the theme of the painting which is: nature. This sense is contrasted against the essential unity of nature for ironic impact, art appreciation essays. In other words, it is the imbalance and disproportion of the human figures on skis as contrasted with the balanced, natural valley below them that creates the tension and meaning of the work. The contrast between the human world and nature results in a unified expression of theme and image. In this work, balance is present and is contrasted fro dramatic effect with the sense of motion that is conveyed through the figures.

At the same time, the overall unity of the work is conveyed despite its theme of chaos and destruction. This reinforces the unchanging nature of Biblical prophecy and so, the emphasis of the work is art appreciation essays the simultaneous expression of heaviness and speed. It is as though the horsemen are about to trample the observer, art appreciation essays. Although the viewer is invited to participate in each of the three works, a comparison of the works shows that the themes imparted to the viewer are vastly different in each of the three.

In each case, there is a connection between technique, medium, and theme that allows the underlying elements and principles to be used for various effects. It is suitably painted with an Impressionistic technique which lends it a depth of unity in theme and image. This also ties to athematic statement made in the painting regarding nature: that it is based not on restrictive line and form but on feeling and freedom and on the interaction between art appreciation essays and light. Color is expressive and form and line are used to create contrast in this work. Essentially the painting aims to gently criticize the modern world with a reminder that human folly is often a consequence of trying to master the natural world, art appreciation essays. The way that the disharmony is shown is to diminish the role of color and decrease the value of expressive color to only those which indicate sadness and gloom.

Furthermore, motion is contrasted with the heaviness of the figures to suggest immovable fate. A sense of dramatic urgency is created by the sculptures proportions which are realistic but stylized to an almost mythical level. The impact of the sculpture is to personify a Biblical symbolism in one of the least expected ways: cast in bronze to achieve a feeling of revelation that mirrors the theme of the work. This was due to the fact that the realistic depiction of Biblical symbols simply seemed to be a weak combination. This is something that any artist should attempt to do, art appreciation essays, although it is not as easily quantified as the elements and principles just examined. Review: Gib Singleton and Art appreciation essays Biss at the FAC.

Arkhipov, Anton. com; access ; www. Herberholz, Barbara. When We Review the Principles of Art. Singleton, Gib. Scoppertone, James, art appreciation essays. Essay Example, art appreciation essays. Need a professionally written Custom Essay? Right now, you can get a professionally written essay in any discipline with a, art appreciation essays. We're now sending you a link to download your e-book, please check your e-mail. Thank you! You art appreciation essays receive the notifications now. It's pleasure to stay in touch! Show all. Paper Types Movie Review Essay Admission Essay Annotated Bibliography Application Essay Article Critique Article Review Article Writing Assessment Book Review Business Plan Business Proposal Capstone Project Case Study Coursework Cover Letter Creative Essay Dissertation Dissertation - Abstract Dissertation - Conclusion Dissertation - Discussion Dissertation - Hypothesis Dissertation - Introduction Dissertation - Literature Dissertation - Methodology Dissertation - Results GCSE Coursework Grant Proposal Interview Lab Report Marketing Plan Multiple Choice Quiz Quiz Personal Statement Poem Power Point Presentation Power Point Presentation With Speaker Notes Questionnaire Reaction Paper Research Paper Research Proposal Speech SWOT analysis Term Paper Thesis Paper Online Quiz Resume Outline Literature Review Movie Analysis Statistics problem Math Problem Article.

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Art Appreciation, Essay Example |

art appreciation essays

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